Le platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) est une espèce de poissons d'eau douce tropicale de l'Amérique du Sud et Centrale de la famille des Poeciliidae.C'est un poisson d'aquarium très répandu. he doesnt bite him but he just bothers him so much. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am …keep reading, Fluffyplanet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com We do not provide veterinary suggestions. How to Find Compatible Tank Mates for Guppies. Can mollies, platies and guppies live together? They give birth to live fish and have very similar keeping and feeding requirements, which makes them a great match. Besides providing a pleasing look, plants help in filtering the water. You can prepare your own fish food at home, or you can use commercial food which is more convenient. What distinguishes these fish is their method of breeding. You should pick at least a 20 gallons fish tank. Yes, as a matter of fact, Guppies and Platies can indeed live together as they are both hardy fish that can tolerate similar ranges of temperature, toxin, and water pH levels. Cohabitation Killies et vivipares Les killies : maintenance, reproduction et élevage. In fact, guppies make great pets and can be excellent additions to the tanks of both experienced fish owners and aquatic pet newbies, said Sam Williamson, former marine biologist and fish expert of more than 20 years. This article will provide the guidelines and explain the various nuances involved in keeping different species of fish together with specific focus and relevance to guppies and platies as tank mates. The process is referred to as Superfetation. This HOB filter comes in 5 different sizes and has a lot of space for filter media. Here are the best beginner friendly plants that I recommend keeping with platies and guppies: In order to keep your guppy and platy fish healthy, you need to provide them with a variety of high quality food. Platies are slightly bigger than guppies and require a bit more swimming space. This is the best temperature for both guppy and platy fish. Do They Meow A Lot? So if you plan keeping multiple guppies and platies together, you should definitely choose a larger aquarium. I’m the guy behind GuppyExpert. Plusieurs variétés sont à distinguer, Xiphophorus maculatus (platy) et Xiphophorus variatus (platy varié, platy-perroquet), lesquelles ont été hybridées entre elles mais aussi avec Xiphophorus helleri (porte-épée). Do regular water changes in order to remove nitrates and other chemicals from the water. People who have claimed to have fry from a guppy/platy mating report deformities, still births and early death. However, these fish have many distinguishing traits that had made them a favorite with enthusiasts ever since they were introduced to the aquarium hobby in the 1900s. The thing is, you just need to make sure that other rudimentary requirements are not overlooked. For this reason, you would have to invest in a larger tank if you plan on keeping them around. It is one of the best water conditioner, which will remove chlorine and heavy metals from the water instantly. As discussed previously, live-bearers are omnivores and, therefore, need both meaty foods as well as algae-based foods. Certainly you can’t keep all of them, especially if you have a small aquarium. And I dont think the platy is playing because right now he is hiding in the tank. For guppies the temperature lies somewhere between 76 and 80°F and a pH of 7 to 7.5. My 6 week old guppy/platy aquarium, housing 3 adult guppies, 9 adult platys and almost 40 fry. N'ayant qu'un seul bac pour l'instant, je vis ma passion en aidant sur ce site. On top of that, plans will provide hiding spaces for guppy and platy fry. Hi Everyone. It is possible that the guppies you purchase have internal parasites and you bring them home together with the fish. You should monitor the tank water after adding fish. The platy is big enough to defend himself but the gupppy is just chasing him and it look like if its trying to grab him form like his anus. They are small, friendly and tend to fancy the same environment as guppies do. I highly recommend the AquaClear hang on back filter (on Amazon) for guppies and platies. One would think that since Platies and Guppies are similar species that thrive in the same environmental conditions, you can just put them together in one tank regardless of the genders. When you buy fish food, always look for reputed brands. I wrote a complete guide on the best flake foods; check it out for more details. Any further advice from what you have published? Rather than lay eggs that the male then fertilizes, these fish hold their eggs internally. 1. In what follows, I’ll offer you tips on tank and water requirements of these fish, so you can create a habitat that’s healthy and enjoyable for both fish. Both fish spices are livebearers and require very similar water conditions and food. Alimentation : omnivore. Do platy fry show their true colours right away? Century later, there are many Platies varieties on the market, in all colors and color combinations, but still retain… For example, you need to consider the space, that is, make sure there is enough room in the tank. Apart from platies, the other fish that seem to do well with guppies include: These fish will become good tank mates for your guppies if you plan on having them around. read more. Dad, husband and addict fish-keeper. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. 2. En revanche les mâles peuvent engager des combats qui restent, dans la majorité des cas, sans gravité. Freshwater. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QSAgql-QOQ). These fish are all omnivores and possess a peaceful temperament. Moreover, both these breeds are completely capable of living in absolute harmony with each other. You can’t avoid this, unless you have a quarantine tank to keep newly bought fish for couple of weeks. So it does not matter from where you buy them, you will face the same problems. Please read along, if you want to learn more. For ensuring that proper nutrition is provided to the fish, you need to maintain a diet of the following: Harboring a typical life expectancy of 3 to 7 years, live-bearing fish are considered to have a relatively long lifespan. share. Like life span, which is the best to breed. I’ve tried to cover everything that might be helpful in keeping platy fish and guppy fish together. Posted by 3 years ago. As a rule, the fish dwells in clean flowing water, but they also like brackish nearshore waters, but not salty seawater. It is very easy to take care of and well suited for the freshwater fish beginner. En revanche on pourra faire cohabiter Platy et Guppy, ou Molly et Xipho par exemple, sans risque d’hybridation. Sælges til 20 pr stk. Live plants will extract the excess nutrients from the water column, which may be harmful for your fish. Mr. Hahnel reports a brood of 170 young from one female, although only 120 of them lived to maturity. For this purpose, you should install a lot of plants in the aquarium which provide good hiding spots for the baby fish. This is the best temperature for both guppy and platy fish. The chances of parasites and diseases are lower and you might be able to get guppy fry for free. The minimum tank size requirement of these fish is 20 to 30 gallons. La cohabitation des guppys avec d’autres poissons est intéressante pour créer un … I hope, this guide has helped you learn something new about guppies and platies. Use foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals and has high protein content. yes 2. They tend to breed readily in captivity. With a good filtration and regular water changes, probably your aquarium will be able to hold even 20 fish. However, many fish owners and prospective buyers may not know … Guppy/Platy/Neon/Rasbora/Corydoras Aquarium tropical - YouTube Comme les alevins sont capables de se débrouiller d'eux-mêmes, c'est une étape indispensable pour avoir le plus d'alevins en vie. In a 20 gallons tank you can easily fit 10-15 fish. It is also possible that your tank filtration is not good enough and after 1-2 weeks of keeping your guppies in, there is ammonia spike which will hurt, weaken and kill your fish. I feed local flakes and dried bloodworms. This food can be feed to fry as well, just need to crush up the flakes into powder with your fingers. From my experience, guppies that are bought from stores will live less. Required fields are marked *. The two genera that make up most of the aquarium species are Poecilia, which include the … If you haven’t figured it out yet, live-bearing fish are those that give birth to living, free-swimming young ones instead of laying eggs. After reaching maturity, both guppies and platies give birth to fry around every 30 days. The flow rate is adjustable, so you can control the water current. If you did a good job saving guppy and platy fry, you will end up with a lot of fish very quickly. 4. Live-bearing fish are relatively easy to care for and this can be owing to the fact that they provide a certain level of depth and dimension to fish keeping and observing them makes for a fantastic learning experience, not just for adults, but also for children in whom it can nurture a life-long appreciation for the fish keeping hobby. The Platy fish is a freshwater fish belonging to the genus Xiphophorus that is commonly lumped in with other livebearers like Swordtails, Mollies, and Guppies. I love community fish tanks, where multiple spices of fish are kept together. Le Platy est sociable et calme, ce qui fait qu’il s’entend bien avec les autres espèces. Le platy fait partie des ovovivipares (ne pond pas) comme les guppys (poecilia recticulata) ainsi que les Molly (poecilia sphenops) et les portes-épée (Xiphophorus helleri). These fish are not entitled to the same responsibilities as egg-layers when it comes to caring for their young since these babies can hide from predators on their own. The researchers observed that the live guppies were more likely to try to get a bite off the food if the robotic guppy had a silver ring than when they had a black ring around their eyes. 1,5 cm nu og de er klar til et nyt hjem. Platies and guppies can’t be crossbred. Medicaments : . So, is it possible for Guppies and Platies to thrive together? Which types of fish are compatible in the tank with the guppies? Mais je garde le projet d'une shrimproom qui devrait se concrétiser en 2018. Moreover, it is a bliss in itself to be able to witness the birth of a practically fully developed newborn baby. Platies will also do well in a 10 gallons fish tank; however a 20 gallons (80 liter) aquarium would be a better choice for them. Il leur faut une eau propre et exempte de bactéries. My 6 week old guppy/platy aquarium, housing 3 adult guppies, 9 adult platys and almost 40 fry. What is the Ideal Temperature for my Platy Fish? Guppies are a common and easy-to-care-for option. Archived. But what filter to buy for a guppy-platy aquarium? Maintain the filter regularly and clean the mechanical filtration. In general, when choosing between dissimilar species of fish in order to form and sustain a community aquarium tank, there are a couple of noteworthy fundamental rules as listed below that you need look into in advance: Now that we know all the basic guidelines for keeping any 2 species of fish together, let’s study the pair of platies and guppies in particular as potential tank mates. As a matter of fact, it is highly important to take into consideration the fact that both species tend to breed readily in close captivity. save. Livebearers tend to produce only 20 to 40 young ones in one go, although a few may drop up to a 100 or more at a time! Les femelles mesurent en moyenne jusqu'à 6 cm; les mâles un peu plus petits, font environ 4-5 cm. Ogni acquario sia di acqua dolce che marina è un biotopo in miniatura.Vedere nascere i piccoli avannotti è una vera gioia. They look healthy enough when bought but I am read to give up on the species after several months of wasting money. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Platies are known to be one of the friendliest and the most peaceful fish out there to have in your tank. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata), also known as millionfish and rainbow fish, is one of the world's most widely distributed tropical fish and one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species.It is a member of the family Poeciliidae and, like almost all American members of the family, is live-bearing. 5. Platy, 17 stk., Jeg sælger platy unger, da mine platyer (se forældrene på billeder) har fået unger. Live plants are a great addition to every aquarium. Exemple de cohabitation courante : Porte-épée (Xipho) ou guppy. It is much better to over-filter your tank, rather than under-filter it. So, please keep it clean. I know my mollies do, so the principles are probably the same, although guppy fry don't, but sordtails do and these are the closest relatives so it's probably a yes. So, whether you breed your guppy and platy fish by purpose or by accident, it is always fun to raise the babies and watch them grow. 16 comments. Seeing as how they are both live-breeding fish and will, without a doubt, fill up the tank with babies quite rapidly, you need to ensure that the tank is large enough and is not too overcrowded before introducing new mates into it. Though, if you have females and males of both spices, sooner or later they will have babies. Most beginners, however, try to keep fish spices in the same aquarium, which are not compatible with each other. As the rule goes, there should be at least 1 gallon of water for every inch of guppy in your tank. If you want to save some fry, give them live plants or separate the pregnant female into a breeding box, just before giving birth. Don’t forget to use treat tap water with water conditioner. Platy - Platies - Xiphophorus maculatus. The will not do well when are kept alone. Unfortunately parents will not take care of their babies, and if they don’t have enough hiding spaces, will get eaten by adult fish. It is also possible, that guppies that you purchase from local stores come from the same source. Just wondering if I can get more information about the platys? Salut, je m'appelle Séb et j'ai 33 ans. For guppy fish and platy fish, you don’t need to use an expensive canister filter. Dirty filter can be a big source of nitrates and ammonia. This class of freshwater fish comprises recurrent aquarium favorites such as Guppies, Platies, as well as Mollies. Et qu’en est-il des Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) avec les « Guppy endler » (Poecilia wingei), et bien il s’agit de la même famille de poissons, ils peuvent donc s’hybrider, mais cette fois les alevins ne seront pas stériles.
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