Avec ses campus à Londres, Monaco, Genève, San Francisco, Shanghai et Abidjan, INSEEC U. occupe une place unique dans le paysage éducatif français. INSEEC BBA est une école du Pôle Management d’INSEEC U. INSEEC U. est une institution privée d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche interdisciplinaire, implantée à Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux et Chambéry. Etudiants / Students . INSEEC 2016 ECE paris.lyon, EBS paris, ESCE international business school, hEIP, IFG executive education, sup de crÉation 2014 CRÉA Genève SHANGHAI 1988 BBA INSEEC 1996 Sup de Pub 2010 International University of Monaco 2012 LUXURY ATTITUDE, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE GROUPE ÉCOLE SUPÉRIEURE DE COMMERCE CHAMBERY SAVOIE, CESNI, LA CITÉ DES LANGUES, EGC SAVOIE REPRISE PAR CINVEN PARTNERS inseec. Reconnu par l'État, il délivre un diplôme à l'issue de 4 ans d'études. INSEEC MSc & MBA Bordeaux also offers graduate programs taught in French. 28 000 Étudia Ces nouveaux locaux ultra-modernes de 5000 m2 accueillent les 3000 étudiants des programmes en management (INSEEC School of Business & Economics, BBA INSEEC - Ecole de Commerce Européenne et INSEEC MSc & MBA) et … 30 likes. Annuaire / Directory ; L'intranet de l'INSEEC School of Business & Economic Bienvenue sur le Salon virtuel du Défi Créa BBA INSEEC & INSEEC Bachelor de Lyon ! Enseignants / Teachers . 16 Écoles. Installé dans l'ancien immeuble industriel mythique de Citroën, dont le projet architectural de rénovation fait référence, le campus d'INSEEC U. de 8 200 m² rassemble, à deux pas de la place Bellecour et des quais du Rhône, l'ensemble des écoles et formations lyonnaises : INSEEC School of Business & Economics, MSc, BBA & Bachelor INSEEC, ESCE, ECE, Sup de Pub. I consent to the processing of my personal data and certify that I am over 15 years of age or, failing that, have the consent of the holder of parental authority *. The West Coast spirit prevails in the region: an art of living made of conviviality and passions. Annuaire / Directory ; L'intranet de l'INSEEC School of Business & Economics With campuses in London, Monaco, Geneva, San Francisco and Shanghai, INSEEC U. occupies a unique place in the French educational landscape. The members of the Career Service provide students with information on internship opportunities, they prepare students for jobs interviews and offer the chance of an individual consultation. Etudiants / Students . Nearby: the Atlantic and natural lakes to practice surf and water activities, but also the Pyrenees for winter sports and hiking. While exploring humanities, they practice how to … Groupe INSEEC is a leader in private higher education in France and offers a large choice of programs from post high school to doctoral studies in initial training and executive education. Enseignants / Teachers . Avec ses campus à Londres, Monaco, Genève, San Francisco, Shanghai et Abidjan, INSEEC U. occupe une place unique dans le paysage éducatif français. 's Management Centre. Annuaire / Directory ; Gérer ma fiche / Profil update ; Espace carrière / Career center ; Webmail ; CREATE YOUR OWN INTERNATIONAL FUTURE | L’école de Commerce Européenne, BBA INSEEC, est l’école du CV International d’INSEEC U. Sa structure concilie les deux modèles académiques dominants dans le paysage éducatif mondial : l’anglo-saxon (BBA en 4 ans) et l’européen (LMD en 4+1). Anciens élèves / Alumnis . Become a recognised international manager with INSEEC Business School. Le BBA INSEEC (ECE) est le programme post-bac international du Groupe INSEEC. You are a future international student of the INSEEC Group, use the school's housing platform on which you will be able to : Click on the « Use my intranet » button and fill in your login credentials. To find out about all our programme offerings and our Schools, please check, Campus and Programs in Chambéry (French Alps), business school for post high school studies, the work/study training program of Groupe INSEEC, expert in the wines and spirits industries, intercompany and intracompany training programs, advice and training to develop the quality of customer service, a high-level international training program, Find your international or French roommate(s) and form shared rentals, Find a room in a French family (ideal for the experience). Annuaire / Directory ; L'intranet de l'INSEEC Londres Build up your international CV in 4 years with the BBA INSEEC, business school for post high school studies in BBA INSEEC | 3738 seguidores en LinkedIn. The banks of the Garonne, lined with bars, restaurants and leisure areas, are now the place where INSEEC campus is located. 16 talking about this. Become specialised with INSEEC's Masters of Science & MBA, to acquire in-depth skills in finance, management, marketing/communication, international trade and luxury/wine… Admission after 3 to 4 years of higher studies. Sélectionner une page. With campuses in London, Monaco, Geneva, San Francisco and Shanghai, INSEEC U. occupies a unique place in the French educational landscape. Fill in the form and our team will call you back. The INSEEC Business School (L'INStitut des hautes Etudes Economiques et Commerciales) is an AMBA-acrredited grande école and French Business School, renamed INSEEC School of Business and Economics since 2019, with French, European and international campuses in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Chambéry, London, Monaco, Geneva, Abidjan and Shanghai as well as San Francisco. Très international, il permet de passer plus de 2 ans à l'étranger (stages, campus internationaux, échanges universitaires). Enseignants / Teachers . INSEEC U. is a private multidisciplinary higher education and research institution located in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Chambéry. This page is dedicated to BBA Inseec International Office activities. BBA Inseec International Office, Vector. Choose a sandwich course with Sup Career, Become a professional in communications with Sup de Pub, THE, Pass the high school diploma and the entry examinations for the most prestigious Grandes Ecoles (Sciences-Po, CELSA…) in the Atout Sup. Campuses are located in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Chambery, Geneva, Monaco, London, Shanghai and San Francisco. INSEEC U. is a private multidisciplinary higher education and research institution located in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Chambéry. Join the INSEEC Group's Bachelor in management program in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Chambery. INSEEC U. undertakes that the collection and processing of your data made from this website, comply with the General Regulations on Data Protection (GRDP) and the Data Protection Act. L'intranet de BBA INSEEC. inseec bachelor intranet. INSEEC 2016 ECE paris.lyon, EBS paris, ESCE international business school, hEIP, IFG executive education, sup de crÉation 2014 CRÉA Genève SHANGHAI 1988 BBA INSEEC 1996 Sup de Pub 2010 International University of Monaco 2012 LUXURY ATTITUDE, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE GROUPE ÉCOLE SUPÉRIEURE DE COMMERCE CHAMBERY SAVOIE, CESNI, LA CITÉ DES LANGUES, EGC SAVOIE REPRISE PAR CINVEN PARTNERS inseec. The 2 large terraces overlooking the city and the classrooms facing the Garonne give the place a unique character. With campuses in London, Monaco, Geneva, San Francisco and Shanghai, INSEEC U. occupies a unique place in the French educational landscape. Anciens élèves / Alumnis . The new face of the city attests that, while defending a predominant position in the wine and aviation industries, Bordeaux is committed to preserve it exceptional quality of life. “The Bachelor in Management (BSc) allows students to become experts in management science and learn how to make complex decisions. Offers on Campus: The BBA INSEEC offers far-reaching Wi-FI access, intranet, online time tables, computer labs and working spaces. For more information, please click here. Anciens élèves / Alumnis . INSEEC U. is private higher education and interdisciplinary research institution located in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Chambéry. Chaîne officielle du BBA INSEEC//Official YouTube account of the INSEEC BBA Enseignants / Teachers . L'intranet de l'ECE Paris - Lyon En ce qui concerne la différence entre le campus de Bordeaux et Paris, je ne peux pas te dire. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. INSEEC U. is a private multidisciplinary higher education and research institution located in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Chambéry. Admission after your high school diploma or after 1/2/3 years of higher studies. Bordeaux ; Chambéry ; Lyon ; Paris ; Enseignants / Teachers . To prepare for higher education entry examinations: Institutes of excellence of Groupe INSEEC: INSEEC MSc & MBA is a School that is part of INSEEC U. Build up your international CV in 4 years with the BBA INSEEC. L'intranet des Masters of Science & MBA de l'INSEEC. par | Déc 8, 2020 | Non classé | 0 commentaires | Déc 8, 2020 | Non classé | 0 commentaires It provides students an exceptional learning environment in Bordeaux. Le BBA INSEEC - ECE est un Bachelor in Business Administration en 4 ans accessible après le Bac ou via admission sur titre en 2e ou 3e année. Build up your international CV in 4 years with the BBA INSEEC, business school for post high school studies in Lyon and Bordeaux. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. A l'INSEEC, c'est au niveau de l'organisation que le bât blesse, mais pour ce qui est de mon vécu, c'est partout pareil, et c'est quand-même loin d'être l'anarchie. L'intranet de BBA INSEEC . The campus facilities include the presence of a Bloomberg Trading Room, a tasting room full equiped and a business Incubator free of charge. Annuaire / Directory .
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